Building in Closets... after the fact Part 1

Can you ever have enough closets?
I mean, really.
One of the biggest challenges we've had in our 1950s cottage house is the lack of closet space for storage.
Only 1 of our 4 bedrooms had a closet in the room when we bought the house.
We had a few small hall closets, but that meant streaking in and out of the bedroom while getting dressed to find the right outfit.
It gets cold.
When the kids were babies I didn't mind the lack of space. I would use a dresser or a chest and teeny tiny clothes and itty bitty shoes fit just perfect that way.
Now that the kiddos are 13, 11 and 6 things are getting bigger.
And there's a lot of stuffing and jamming into drawers going on.
So we decided to finally tackle the closet situation in a creative way, without closing in the existing rooms too much. Because none of them are big to begin with.
Enter the dual closet idea.

 I decided to put two shallow closets on either side of my daughter's full-size bed.
There's just enough depth to fit a full-size hanger and close the door-- 22 1/2" from the wall to the door jam, in case you're wondering. Each closet is 40" wide.
The full-size bed slides back to the wall, leaving plenty of foot room and space to walk in front of the bed.
Since the closets are shallow, it creates a cozy place to snooze vs. feeling like your boxed in.
There's plenty of air-flow on either side of the bed and above it.

We also created two built-ins on the side of the closets facing the bed, with some adjustable shelves.
That way you can put a glass water there at night, or some display items since there isn't room for side tables.
You can also make them into magazine racks, and have some nighttime reading books at your fingertips.
We had a big chandelier in the room already, so we kept that for plenty of lighting.
But if you didn't you could add reading lights to those built-ins as well.

We also added closets to two more rooms in the house, the creative way. Stay tuned for another blog post on those. And share with me your own creative closet! I'd love to hear.
xoxoxo Jen Zerrer
