Scouting out The Vintage Marketplace

Corbels, Corbels, Oh My!
I was back on the hunt at the Vintage Marketplace's recent show in Vista, CA.
This time, I had my eyes on antique corbels.
And this show did not disappoint.
Take a look at these beauties! These sets were almost 3 feet tall... show stoppers!

It was held earlier this month for the first time at The Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum, a beautiful 55-acre indoor and outdoor venue with antique cars, outposts and more to check out while you shop around. The next event will be May 11 and 12.
My son, Brady, who loves to sew and check out "junk" went with me this time.

Parking was free and a breeze and entry $5 per person. There are even people who will help you load bigger items to your car, which is a small walk away from the first set of vendors.
There were more than 80 booths with a range of vintage, antique and handmade goods.

The business owners went all out to create inviting storefronts, like this one above.
One of the highlights of the show were all the antique architecture pieces for sale.
It's unusual to find so many varieties, sizes and shapes of corbels, fretwork, mantels and more all in one place. And all in really good shape.
Here are some of my favorites: An old mantel in mint condition and a metal tin framed.

This chippy set of corbels, and some more shutters and shelves.

In this top picture, do you spot the unique fan-shaped set on the table in the background? I just love the idea of the stories these corbels could tell you!
That pair I scooped up for myself. Even though I had no clue where I planned to put them in my 1950s beach cottage house.
I found a spot, though.
Corbels are great to just use mounted on a wall, for shelves or just plopped on furniture for an accent if you can't put them out on a porch.
I propped these babies up on a china cabinet like bookends.
They add the perfect amount of interest and I can move them around.

Unique candlesticks were also on full display at this show. I feel like you can never have too many of them. This booth made these out of antique woodwork and they were fabulous.

Other highlights at the show: flannels, flannels, flannels.
This boutique had the coolest graphics on the back of their flannels, with inspirational words like "Blessed." Check out all the vibrant colors.

My son was a big fan of the sweet van. I mean it was really sweet, especially the soda cocktail we had topped with cotton candy. Delicious! Great for walking and sipping on a warm spring day.

This soda spritzer mixed with strawberry would be such a fun treat to make for a party. Add some whipped cream and a cotton candy topper and it's an eye catcher for sure.

It's always inspiring to walk away with some food for thought when you go to these shows. I loved this saying I spotted on the way out. I'm going to remember this the next time I find myself scrubbing everything like a lunatic when I have friends over for dinner.

So, what gets you inspired?  Share with me below!
If you're looking for some more inspiration,  here are the next Vintage Marketplace show dates:
May 11-12, Oct. 12-13 and Nov. 30- Dec. 1.

Before you go keep these tips in mind:

  • Parking is $5
  • There are people available to help you carry large items since you cannot pull your car into the vendor area. Ask for help.
  • There is a food court area.
  • Bring water and wear sunscreen for the warmer months.
  • Most vendors accept credit cards.
  • Have a fun! Be inspired!
